Friday, March 16, 2007

New discussion coming soon!

Postmodernism 101
A First Course for the Curious Christian
by Heath White

"Don't let the 'first course' language fool you. This is a five-course feast, presented on philosophical platters of gold and literary pitchers of silver. Premodern, modern, and postmodern people need to read this and discover what each offers each other."--Leonard Sweet, author of Postmodern Pilgrims and SoulTsunami

This is a great little book. It is easily accessible and presents postmodernism without the daunting jargon. White does a great job of describing postmodernism, comparing it to premodernism and modernism, and discussing what it might mean for the church. It will be a fun one to discuss.

Follow the link Brazos Press to read reviews, endorsements, and to purchase the book. I will post the first series of discussion questions on Good Friday April 6th. Until then. . . blessed reading!

God's peace,

Friday, March 9, 2007

Follow the Thread

Chapter 11: Noticing
Please share an example from your ministry experience of each of the four ways we help youth notice God.

Chapter 12: Naming
What are the ways you’ve seen the church “name” God? How are these ways helpful to youth? How might they be detrimental or short-sighted?

Chapter 13: Nurturing
Yaconelli is adamant about clearly communicating the fact that contemplative youth ministry does not find its end in contemplation but in authentic action. He says this happens by “following the thread” and that contemplation makes following the thread somewhat easier. How do you follow the thread? How do your ministry and your congregation follow the thread?

Chapter 14: Beyond Fear
Are youth and adults really afraid of one another? How might contemplative youth ministry – or practicing the presence of Jesus - overcome this fear?

God's peace,
Jeremy Myers

Monday, March 5, 2007

The presence of Jesus in community

Here are some questions on chapters 7-10 in Yaconelli's Contemplative Youth Ministry. You don't have to answer all of them; simply pick and choose. Have fun! I look forward to your contributions.

Chapter 7: Being with Young People
There are 5 categories or ways of being with young people. Which one comes most naturally for you? Why? Which one is most difficult? Why? Do you see any practical or theological problems with these categories?

Chapter 8: Remembering
Yaconelli offers 2 prayer practices intended to help us remember. What might be the pros and cons of these practices?

Chapter 9: Forming the Beloved Community
What does Yaconelli claim as the benefits of engaging ministry as a community versus as an individual? Relate this to your ministry experience. Where has community empowered ministry? When has isolation threatened it? Has the opposite ever been true in your experience?

What do you think about the calling process (pgs. 150-156)? Is it realistic? Worthwhile?

Chapter 10: The Liturgy for Discernment
Can you see this type of "leadership meeting" working in your current ministry setting? Why or why not?

Again, feel free to respond to one or many.

God's peace,